We at Ray’cycle will be closely monitoring the current COVID-19 situation to ensure our researchers and our participants are safe during this pandemic. During this time, Bucknell University has implemented the following policies to protect the students, faculty and workers:
- Comprehensive COVID-19 monitoring protocol for students, faculty and staff that includes testing and effective isolation and quarantine arrangements.
- Health and safety protocols that consist of social distancing, wearing of face masks and enhanced cleaning of the school environment.
- Academic and employment protocols that comprises staggered shifts, remote work and flexible hours.
On top of the Universities policies and initiatives, the Ray’cycle team will implement our own policies in the laboratory as well. We will:
- Require all researchers to wash hands with soap or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer when entering and leaving the lab.
- Continue to provide all researchers with N95 masks and disposable gloves (as long as they are available) to wear in the laboratory for both COVID-19 mitigation and plastic particulate handling.
- Increase social distancing by allowing a maximum of 3 researchers in a laboratory work space at any given time.
- Implement a recyclate collection protocol with features like appointments and hallway pickup to minimize personal handling and contact.
- Apply an intentional time delay and/or cleaning and sanitation protocols to both the plastics collected and the products made.
Our research team is committed to practicing preventative measures for the safety of our researchers and the products we produce.

Team Ray’cycle
July 2020